Victor Choulman, director/drama teacher, studied at Academy of Performing Arts "B. W. Schtschukin"at Wachtangow-Theatre in Moscow, diploma as director and drama teacher, worked as director and artistic director since 1964 at several theatres (Moskau, Rjasan, Twer, ...), living in Berlin since 1996 , teaching assignment at various drama schools
Simone Dietrich, Graduate Diploma in Jazz-, Popular- and Commercial Music at the Newcastle College (BA), Master of Arts in Voice Studies' at the Central School of Speech and Drama (London), Her teachers include Cicely Berry of the RSC and Patsy Rodenburg of the Royal National Theater, Bernadette O’Brien, a practitioner of Voice Movement Therapy, as well as Gillyanne Kayes, a certified teacher of Jo Estill’s Voicecraft.
Sonja Elstermann, studied gymnastics at the Sportacademy (DHfK Leipzig), Diploma as collegeteacher, Diploma as choreographer and danceteacher at the Academy of Performing Arts HANS OTTO, Leipzig, choreographies in Germany and foreign countries, freelance dancer, teaching assignments at various drama schools, cooperation with Jo Fabian,
specialisation: dance ( Laban, contact improvisation ), Grand Stil , Musical, stageacrobatics, Alexandertechnique, Physical Theatre |
Barbara Frank, studied at the Academy of Performing Arts Berlin (Hochschule f. Schauspielkunst ERNST BUSCH), working as actress and director, drama teacher at the Academy of Performing Arts Berlin (HS f. Schauspielkunst ERNST BUSCH), Academy of. Music and Theatre Rostock and independant drama schools,
specialisation: poetical and psycological Realism
Michael Jussen, working as an actor at several theatres in Berlin, Dessau, Aachen, Bremerhaven and Wittenberg, drama teacher in various drama schools since 1995
Andreas Kühnel working since 1987 as pantomime,clown, director and professor at several theatres and drama schools |
Andrea Pangallo, Diploma in acting at the Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica “Silvio D’Amico” in Rome. He worked for 3 years in the company of Commedia dell’Arte “Teatro del Castello” in Turin as Arlecchino and Zanni, under the direction of the master Eugenio Allegri.
During his artistic life, he has put the focus on the research on masks and physical actions with different methods and companies: G. Bogdanov, N. Karpov, D. Fo and F. Rame, R. Mirecka, Living theatre, Odin teatret, J. Alschitz and M. Monetta. Since 2001 he has been teaching in Italy (La Cometa and Fare Teatro in Rom and Pisa), Spain (Institut del Teatre of Barcelona) and Germany (Ernst Busch, MimeCentrum in Berlin)
Matthias Poppe, studied acting at the Academy of Performing Arts “Hans Otto” in Leipzig / working as a director, actor, stuntman and stuntcoordinator / drama teacher in Germany, Spain, Portugal and Peru since 1991 / specialisation: popular Epic theatre and Biomechanic accordig to Brecht and Meyerhold.
Nadja Stübiger studied acting at the Academy of Music and Drama "Felix Mendelson Bartholdy“ Leipzig, studied directing and acting at INAC -theateracademy-, working as drama teacher and actress (performances at a. o. Kunsthaus Tacheles with Carlos Medina, Brandenburger Theater in cooperation with Academy of Performing Arts „Ernst Bush“ and bat-Studiotheater) |